All information within the material provided as well as on this site and in our forum should only be used as a guide. Anyone who has a health issue should consult a qualified practitioner and/or Medical Professional. Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information contained is correct and up to date. We have also done our best to be sure that all sources have been accredited accordingly. Additionally, Teri Griffin Williams, Soulcial Living and the Learn Reiki from Home authors are not responsible for any damage arising either directly or consequentially out of the use or inability to use the information or services provided.
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To play on iPhone/iPad or Samsung/Android tablet you must download the files to a pc then synchronize/transfer the files to your device.
1. You are 18 years of age or older or have parental consent to download the Learn Reiki from Home Certification Study Course. Anyone under 18 must have an adult present at all times.
2. Learn Reiki from Home Study Course is not a substitute for professional medicine and does not replace or negate medical opinions given to you by a professional doctor. Services and products provided here are not intended or recommended as substitutes for any legal, medical, psychiatric or other orthodox types of professional assistance. We do not diagnose illness or prescribe medicine, food or medical treatments. Anyone with an illness should seek medical help.
3. We are not responsible for any damages, arising directly from or consequentially out of the use of information or inability to use the information or services provided.
4. All information contained on this site and within the Learn Reiki from Home modules and the forum is copyrighted and is for educational purposes only. Therefore, it is unlawful to share or disperse any information from site, forum or modules without express written consent from Soulcial Living or Teri Griffin Williams.
Forum No longer available
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