Who is
Teri Williams,
Reiki Master

“Although I am practiced in many forms of energy work, ultimately it is YOU that will be your own healer.
I am simply a vehicle to help you arrive at the end result - a soulful living lifestyle that includes living a healthy lifestyle, living your passion and your purpose, with grace and ease.”
34years ago Teri Williams experienced an incredible shift when one of her children was injured in an accident. Shortly after she was introduced to the power of energy work and metaphysics. She began learning new ways to move through the world, including Reiki and Energy Healing, then incorporating these new tools into her life, personally and professionally.

Teri Williams
Soul Advocate - Reiki Master, Energy Healing Therapies, Shamanic Practitioner
After spending years working in PR, Marketing, Social Media and Web Design consulting with Corporate Executives and business owners on how to expand their businesses both on line and off line, she realized that it was time to fulfill her dream; “that everyone on the planet should learn at least one holistic healing modality if for no other reason than to reduce or eliminate stress!” Some clients describe her as a “Shaman for business”.
Teri is a Soul Advocate, Reiki Master and Shamanic practitioner, who says her religion is Love,
based upon deep gratitude. She begins and ends each day with a “Thank you”!
Today she spends most of her time working with individuals and groups either LIVE or via Remote Sessions, helping them release and shift the YUCK in their minds, bodies and souls. Her clients say she is an extremely talented practitioner, professional, caring and gifted.
What keeps her grounded are the energy healing and meditation practices that have been part of her life for over 20 years. These practices keep her connected to source and a life of flow. Breathe, practice, breathe, practice, breathe, and practice.
For 12 years, Teri hosted “Soulful Living” on the Empower Radio network. Her guests include Dr. Alberto Villoldo, Marci Shimoff, Sandra Ingerman, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Colin Tipping, Jeff Brown, Elaine Grohman, SARK, Marianne Williamson and over 300 other inspiring thought leaders. She and her guests share tips, tools, and so much more in the hopes that your life may be more joyful and fulfilling.
Her quest for personal success, contentment, self-mastery, and peace of mind led her down many paths, learning more from internationally renowned teachers, at seminars, workshops and classes than she could possibly begin to list. Each one has led her to believe that we are all connected. What we do and what we think directly affects every living being on the planet. In other words, what we focus on multiplies. We can change our life at any moment simply by creating new and empowering thoughts. This is the true essence of Soul-cial Living.
“I choose to focus on joy, peace, abundance, clarity, bliss and above all LOVE. I take the best of what I've learned and share those teachings with you in the hopes that you will find peace and feel empowered on your own healing journey!” Teri Williams, Soul Advocate - Reiki Master and Shamanic Practitioner.

Photo: JawDroppingPhotography.com

Visit SoulPractices.com to work with Teri personally or for more information on her programs and workshops.